About the Podcast

If our podcast is not about ice cream, then what’s it about?

We get this question a lot. Our podcast is “about” a lot of things. Curiosity, honesty, and fun. Community, life, and love. 

It’s about the human experience. Which is kind of like ice cream, if you think about it. 

We’re lucky to have it.

There are many flavors and configurations. Eating the hell out of it is fun and sometimes messy. It’s a tragedy if you don’t get to finish it before you’re ready to be done. Being human, living, and loving in this world we share.

This is what the Soft Serve Podcast has been serving up since 2018.

Every week, join us, Stomping Jen and Sawtooth Frank, for interesting and deep conversations as we talk to each other and our guests about art, work, entertainment, news, and whatever else comes to mind.

About Us

We met in 1996 in a college poetry club, and got married in 2001. Even after all these years, we just like being around each other, talking, and laughing together.

We’re not like a lot of those married couples (you know the ones) who morph into versions of the same person. Our unique interests and differences are what make us and the Soft Serve Podcast fun to listen to.


Stomping Jen

Stomping Jen got her podcast name from her propensity to stomp her foot on the ground when she is frustrated or mad, usually at Sawtooth Frank.

Despite her name, Stomping Jen is not an angry person. On the contrary, she is an eternal optimist and lover of life, art (observing and making), music, and connecting with people. 

Stomping Jen’s big heart and fierce intelligence shine through in our conversations.

To listen to her is to love her.


Sawtooth Frank

Sawtooth Frank’s podcast name comes from a jagged front tooth (now covered with a cap), broken during a horrific childhood ice-skating accident.

A long-time fan of talk radio and podcasts, Sawtooth always dreamed of sitting behind the microphone and having his own show. So, in 2018, he created the Soft Serve Podcast with Stomping Jen.

Sawtooth is unflinchingly curious and honest, whether it’s trying to understand other people and our world more deeply, dealing with his own issues, or just talking with Stomping Jen about pop culture and life. 

Whatever the topic at hand, be assured Sawtooth will take it on with passion, reflection, and humor.